Personal Care Assistant Services

MN Quality Care, Inc, is a Minneapolis home care provider that specializes in Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services. As you are probably aware, these services are a type of non-medical health care that enables people to live independently within their homes and stay in their community. Accordingly, we help you find the right PCA to fulfill your specific needs.

How can a PCA help you?
  • Perform light cleaning
  • Cook
  • Run errands
  • Laundry
  • Assist clients with bathing, showering, and grooming
  • Help clients in activities that require them to read, talk, and play games
What are PCA Services?

The personal care assistance (PCA) program helps you with common daily activities and health-related tasks. Of course, you usually get PCA services at home, but you can also get them wherever your daily activities take you, such as at the supermarket, at work or school, or even at the movie theater.

The person who helps you is called a personal care assistant (PCA). There are common services a can PCA provide. For instance (and according to your needs), they will help you dress, bathe, eat, and prepare meals; however, a PCA can also you help shop, pay bills, and get to medical appointments. Not surprisingly, these are called activities of daily living.

PCAs help with these and other important daily activities, as well as some health-related tasks, but PCAs cannot help you with other things, such as home maintenance and repairs, or medical tasks, such as giving injections.

Are PCA services covered by my insurance?
Unfortunately, PCA services are not covered by private insurance or Medicare, but they can be covered by Medicaid. If you are eligible for Medicaid reimbursement, we can help you get coverage. With this in mind, we encourage you to contact us so we can assist you. We are here to help.

The Process to Get PCA Services Set Up in Minnesota

Do you have coverage for PCA Services?

Do you know the process for getting PCA services set up in Minnesota? First, you must determine if you have insurance coverage. In this state, most Personal Care Assistant (PCA) services are covered by Medical Assistance (Medicaid). However, if you’re not eligible for one of these programs, Minnesota Quality Care can help you find out if you have coverage through other insurance you may have. If you don’t have insurance coverage, we have reasonable prices for our PCA services.

Are you eligible?

To start, a public health nurse will conduct a PCA Assessment to review if you’re eligible to receive PCA services. The nurse determines if you meet program requirements and, if so, how many hours of service you may receive. In addition, you’ll need prior authorization from your health plan and, after that, a plan of care. Last but not least, we find and train PCAs to care for you. Sometimes a friend or relative may even qualify to be your PCA!

We can help you through the process.

Does this all seem complicated? It is! Minnesota Quality Care was established in 2000 and has the experience to guide you through this process, beginning to end.

We have shepherded thousands of satisfied clients through every step of setting up PCA services, all while following the eligibility rules in Minnesota.

In conclusion, PCA services can allow you to stay at home, so it is well worth investigating. And don’t worry! We do this every day, so we make the process as smooth and seamless as possible. After all, that’s our job.

Want to see the PCA process, step-by-step? We’ve outlined it for you below.

How to set up PCA Services in Minnesota

This “how to” describes the process to get PCA services in Minnesota:

  1. Obtain Coverage for Minnesota Medical Assistance (Medicaid)

    • Firstly, if you don’t already have coverage for Medical Assistance (MA), apply for coverage at your local county offices. Similarly, you can also apply online through MNSure .
    • If you need PCA services and help with its expenses, then it is important to determine your eligibility. Most clients on MA and MinnesotaCare will have a health plan and, perhaps, a Care Coordinator to help them.
    • Not everyone is eligible for MA. Even if you qualify for coverage, you may not be entitled to receive PCA services. Eligibility for MA is based on your income and, in some cases, on your assets (like your home and savings accounts).
  2. Request a PCA Assessment

    • Once you have coverage, the next step is to obtain a PCA assessment. Minnesota Quality Care will help arrange an assessment with your health plan or county public health office.
    • Subsequently, a specially trained Public Health Nurse will come to your home to evaluate your need for PCA services. The assessment is very thorough, and it will determine how many hours of PCA services you will have each week.
    • You can read more about the PCA Assessment at the Department of Human Services website . Above all, it’s very important to be completely honest with the nurse and explain everything you need help with.
  3. Obtain a Prior Authorization from your Health Plan

    • Once you have your assessment, you’ll need prior authorization from your health plan.
    • Your health plan will want to review your PCA assessment. Based on that assessment, they will first determine the number of PCA hours you’re qualified to receive and then issue a prior authorization.
    • Minnesota Quality Care will request your prior authorization. See our Resources page for contacts for all of the health plans.
  4. Develop a Plan of Care for your PCA Services

    • So you have your prior authorization – what’s next? After that, one of our nurses will come to your home to help you develop a plan of care.
    • In the plan of care, the nurse writes up a very specific plan for the assistance your PCA will provide to you on a scheduled basis.
  5. Find and Train your PCA(s)

    • Lastly, Minnesota Quality Care will find and train your PCAs.
    • Most importantly, you will work with us to decide which PCAs will come into your home to provide personal care for you.
    • In many cases, you may have a friend or a relative who qualifies to be your PCA. If so, we will provide training and supervision for your friend or relative.
  6. Ongoing Supervision of your PCA Services

    • After your PCA services are set up, Minnesota Quality Care will walk alongside you every step of the way.
    • Our nurses monitor your care and the PCA services you receive to make sure you are safe in your home.
    • In short, if you have problems with your PCA services, we are only a phone call away.

Connect with Care

Minnesota Quality Care is here to offer the support and care you need. Let us be your partner in well-being. Contact us today to find out how we can help.