What is Community First Services and Supports (CFSS)?

CFSS, or Consumer-Focused Support Services, is designed to help seniors, children with autism, and adults with disabilities live independently and comfortably in their own homes. While similar to PCA (Personal Care Assistance), CFSS offers enhanced flexibility and choice, allowing individuals to customize their support services. This includes the freedom to select who provides their services, greater self-direction in managing care, additional assistance in creating personalized service delivery plans, and the option to purchase goods that support independence and daily living needs.

CFSS Is Here!

In February 2024, the federal government approved the transition from Personal Care Assistance (PCA) services to Community First Services and Supports (CFSS). The implementation of this new program is currently in progress. Minnesota Quality Care and the Minnesota Department of Human Services are committed to making this transition seamless. We’re here to help individuals experience greater freedom, flexibility, and control over their home care services.

Will CFSS Replace PCA?

Yes, CFSS will replace PCA, bringing additional benefits to both care recipients and family caregivers in Minnesota. The qualification requirements for CFSS are identical to those for PCA, so if you’re currently receiving PCA services, you’ll transition to CFSS during your next annual reassessment, provided there are no changes in your eligibility.
The CFSS program will also replace the state-funded Consumer Support Grant (CSG) benefit.

How Do PCA and CFSS Differ?
At Minnesota Quality Care, CFSS offers a wider range of options for continuous support, empowering you to live independently.

Expanded Opportunities for Caregivers
This is excellent news for spouses and parents of minors requiring home care services. In the past, PCA services did not allow these family members to be hired, leaving those who provided care without compensation.However, with the introduction of the CFSS program, your spouse or a child’s parent can now be employed as a support worker and be compensated for the care they provide.

Care recipients will now have access to a dedicated budget for training and development. This budget can be used by you or a provider agency to ensure your support worker receives the necessary and effective training needed to provide you with the highest quality care through Minnesota Quality Care.
Acquisition of Essentials
At Minnesota Quality Care, we support your independence by offering the option to acquire goods and services, such as a personal emergency response system (PERS).
Agency Care vs. Budget Care Options
Minnesota Quality Care offers two service delivery options: the agency provider model and the budget model. No matter which model you select, you will enjoy all the benefits mentioned above, as well as the following:

  • Control over care management
  • Help you choose who delivers your care
  • Support from a consultation services provider in crafting your service delivery plan
Is Minnesota Quality Care a CFSS Agency?
Minnesota Quality Care proudly offers all services under the CFSS program, serving as an agency and budget model provider.This allows you to select the model that best fits your needs—whether budget or agency—without compromising the quality of your care or changing your care team.

We understand that any change, even a beneficial one offering more options, can feel overwhelming. That’s why we’re here to confidently address your questions and help you transition smoothly into the new CFSS program.

Our mission to provide exceptional home care remains steadfast, and we are committed to serving the Minnesota community now and in the future.

How the CFSS Agency Model Works
With the CFSS agency model, you can select an agency to act as the employer for your support worker. This agency manages all the administrative responsibilities, including:

  • Recruitment
  • Hiring
  • Training
  • Supervision
  • Payroll for CFSS support workers

Choosing this model saves you time and resources that would otherwise be spent on these tasks, allowing you to focus on enjoying your independence and living fully. Already receiving support from Minnesota Quality Care? Great news—under the CFSS agency model, you can continue with us! Need an agency? We’re here to assist!

What Is a Budget Model with CFSS?
The CFSS budget model allows you to act as the employer of your support worker. This model provides you with a budget to handle tasks usually managed by an agency, such as:

  • Recruiting
  • Hiring
  • Training
  • Supervising employees

As the employer, you must choose a budget model provider, such as Minnesota Quality Care, to help with payroll management, ensuring you can efficiently manage this essential part of your operations.


Am I Eligible for CFSS with Minnesota Quality Care?
To qualify for CFSS with Minnesota Quality Care, you must meet the same criteria as for PCA, which includes:

  • You must not reside in a nursing care facility.
  • You need to be able to direct your care or have a representative to direct it on your behalf.
  • You must be enrolled in one of Minnesota’s health care programs, such as Medical Assistance (MA), an MA waiver, the Alternative Care program, or in some cases, MinnesotaCare.
  • You must complete an assessment (formerly a PCA assessment).
  • You cannot be receiving the Family Support Grant.

Please note that changes in your condition may affect your eligibility for CFSS.

What Is the Difference Between CFSS and CDCS?
Community First Supports and Services (CFSS) and Consumer-Directed Community Supports (CDCS) are two distinct programs in Minnesota. While we’ve already discussed CFSS, let’s focus on CDCS. This program enables individuals with disabilities to oversee and manage their own services and supports. Participants have the freedom to select their own services and providers and manage their own budgets. Unlike CFSS, CDCS does not operate under an agency model.
What Agency Can Provide CFSS?
In Minnesota, CFSS is available through the state’s Medical Assistance program, managed by various managed care organizations (MCOs) contracted by the Minnesota Department of Human Services. Minnesota Quality Care serves as both an agency and a budget model provider for CFSS.
What Is a Consultation Provider with CFSS?
A consultation provider offers expert guidance and advice to individuals and families seeking help with community-based services and support. These professionals are well-versed in the available resources and can assist in navigating the system to find services that best meet your needs. Under CFSS, Minnesota Quality Care’s consultation providers will help you create and execute a personalized service delivery plan while connecting you with resources and offering continuous support and advocacy. Please note that under CFSS, selecting a consultation services provider is mandatory, but you have the flexibility to determine the extent of their involvement.
When Is the Right Time to Move to CFSS?
Your transition to CFSS will start with your annual reassessment. If you have questions about this process, the budget model, the agency model, or anything related to the new program, we encourage you to contact us for support!

As a provider for the agency and budget models under CFSS, Minnesota Quality Care works closely with the Minnesota DHS to ensure that care recipients understand their additional support and services. We are committed to ensuring that the transition from PCA to CFSS does not affect the quality of your care.

We’re here to assist you!

Connect with Care

Minnesota Quality Care is here to offer the support and care you need. Let us be your partner in well-being. Contact us today to find out how we can help.